Technical Writing Syllabus
|Instructor |Mr. Xxxxxx |Phone |253-xxx-xxxx |
|Room # |Online |E-mail | |
|Office Hours |7:30-8:00 a.m.-2:30-3:00 p.m. |Web Page | |
Course Overview:
In our Technical Writing course, you will focus on the theory, methods, and skills needed for writing and editing scientific, technical and business communications. This course will help you master one of the most important workplace skills—written communications.
Course Objectives and Units:
□ Introduction □ Six Trait Focus: Ideas □ Six Trait Focus: Organization □ Six Trait Focus: Sentence Fluency □ Six Trait Focus: Conventions □ Six Trait Focus: Voice □ Six Trait Focus: Word Choice □ Six Trait Focus: Presentation □ Introduction to Research □ Biography/Autobiography □ Writing a biography or autobiography □ EALR ALIGNMENT Reading: □ 1.3 Read fluently, adjusting reading for purpose and material □ 1.5 Use word recognition and word meaning skills to read and comprehend text □ 2.1 Comprehend important ideas and details □ 3.1 Read to learn new information □ 3.2 Read to perform a task
Communication: □ 1.1 Focus attention □ 1.3 Check for understanding by asking questions and paraphrasing □ 2.1 Communicate learning to a range of audiences for different purposes □ 2.2 Develop content and ideas □ 2.4 Use effective language and style
Writing: □ Prewrites to generate ideas and plan writing. □ 1.2 Produces draft(s). □ 1.3 Revises to improve text. □ 1.4 Edits text. □ 1.6. Adjusts writing process as necessary. □ 2.1. Adapts writing for a variety of audiences □ 2.2. Writes for different purposes. □ 2.4 Writes for career applications □ 3.1. Develops ideas and organizes writing □ 3.2. Uses appropriate style. □ 3.3. Knows and applies writing conventions appropriate for the grade level. □ 4.1. Analyzes and evaluates others' and own writing.
Course Materials:
Course content located within Moodle. Internet Sites, Computer based learning models, Reading materials, Videos. The instructor will provide all materials.