UNIT 001 OUTCOME 2 Essay

Submitted By LCK17
Words: 501
Pages: 3

Unit 001-Introduction to communication in heath, social care and children’s and young people’s settings.

Outcome 2- Be able to meet the communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of individuals.
1.) Find out an individual’s communication and language needs, wishes and preferences
You will find out an individual’s communication or language needs, wishes or preferences by communication with the parents and asking them if their child has got any needs, preferences or wishes. You will know if the child has got any needs by doing observations and also by playing with the child and talking to the child who has the needs. You also have to be aware that a child’s communication skills develop in a sequence but you must remember that not all children develop speech at the same rate as other children. Also if a child does not have the pattern of speech described it might not necessarily be seen as a concern for the child. If a child does have speech and communication needs you will need to seek advice and support from other professionals such as a speech and language therapist. Also you could get in contact with SENCO (special educational needs coordinator) if you need advice as to where to gain information for a child with the learning needs. You should also ask you manager if there are any reports on record about the child’s communication needs. Talking is not the only way to communicate in a nursery setting. You could communicate with them by:
Sign language
Video conferencing
Phone calls
Eye contact
3.) Show how and when to seek advice about communication. It is very important that you feel able to seek advice when you are not sure about how to communicate or when you will need more information about