0-3 years Between the ages of 0-3 years children develop physically very quickly. At birth babies have minimal control over their bodies. By 1 year most babies will have developed the ability to roll over and crawl. By 2 years most children will be able to walk. They will also be able to use their hands with more control to do things such as holding small objects and feeding themselves. By 3 years children will usually be able to do things with more control such as dressing themselves, using pencils and walking with more confidence. Although babies cannot communicate using language at first, it is important for them to be spoken to and hear language as this will help them to develop the skills later. By 1-year children may try to speak using single words, although it may not be clear what they are trying to say. By 2 years children will be putting words together and by this stage children will have a vocabulary of around 200 words. By 3 years children will …show more content…
Movements will be more well practiced and children will have better developed fine motor skills such as writing with a pencil. Confidence when running and kicking a ball will also increase. As children develop their social skills their vocabulary will increase and they will begin to use common phrases and expressions. They will speak about things in past and future tense and they will ask a lot of questions. During this stage children will begin to develop reading and writing skills and will require lots of adult approval. Children will start to discover who they are and will take part in imaginary play. They will enjoy being given responsibility but will need lots of approval. They will need boundaries reinforcing and may take time to understand why they are