Unit 10 Development Of The Child Assignment Essay

Submitted By Lizzylouz
Words: 2774
Pages: 12

Unit 10
Understand child and young person development.
1:2 The sequence of development is the order in which children will develop and learn. Whether it be physical, intellectual or emotional development. usually this sequence of development appears the same or similar from one child to the next, I.e. holding their head up, sitting up, baring weight on legs, walking and then running. This sequence of development generally has a said pattern or order. Even though elements are sometimes missed the development still proceeds in what's seen as an expected pattern.
The rate of development relates to the speed in which a child achieves their sequence milestones. This speed can differ greatly from child to child. For example I was walking at 11 months old when my godson started walking at 15 months. This was perfectly normal.Everyone is different and have different strengths and weaknesses. So its only natural to develop at slightly different speeds.
It is important to know the difference between the sequence and the rate of development to recognise and highlight each child's needs in all stages of development. Some children and young people may need extra support in developing. These patterns will help to plan effectively and ensures the child gains the correct aid they need to progress in areas they may find challenging.
2:1 Children and young peoples development can be influenced by a range of personal factors. These factors can be a range of different things, from health status, disabilities, sensory impairment, generic inheritance and learning difficulties. These can all influence development.
Health Status
Health can dramatic change the speed to way a young person develops. If a child has poor health it will create an impact. Although the degree of impact will differ. For example if a child has cystic fibrosis or uncontrolled asthma they may not be able to be as physically active as his/her peers. This will affect their physical development. Also time away from school, to attend doctors appointments etc. may have an impact on intellectual and social development. As they may have to miss critical education or time to socialise and play with their peers.
This can obviously influence a child's development. If a child is wheelchair bound/ seriously physical impaired they would find it hard to move freely around the classroom to all the different activities. Especially those that are physically demanding. Depending on the severity of condition the child's gross motor skills will be affected and even his/her fine motor skills may be compromised. Also social disabilities will affect a child's and young persons development. If a child has Asperger syndrome or is Autistic this can shape the way they socialise with peers as they will find this challenging at times. Which translates to difficulty with social communication, interaction and imagination. Again this may have a drastic impact o social development.
Sensory impairments
Hearing problems, Mutism and Visual problems will influence a child or young persons development. These pupils may fall behind in class generally. This will be down to their difficulties in communication. Extra support and different or more accessible activities may be necessary to support social, intellectual and even physical development.
Learning Difficulties
Children with learning difficulties such as dyslexia and global development delay may be a few developmental years behind their peers. As you can imagine this will have a big impact on all areas of their development. Their social skills and intellectual skills will be influenced as academic achievements will be affected. Irregular attendance may occur due to again medical appointments, this may lead to negative social experiences and potential bullying.
2:2, 3:2, 3:3 External factors can also dramatically influence a child and young persons development. There is a nature or nurture debate which can influence a child's development.