Unit 3 Citizenship, Diversity and the Public Services Essay

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Pages: 7

P5 Review the methods used by public services to ensure they have a diverse workforce
P6 Explain the duty of public services to provide equality of service to all citizens
M3 - Analyze the effectiveness of the methods used by the public services to promote equality and diversity in the society and within the forces.
D2 - Evaluate the effectiveness of the methods used by the public services to promote equality and diversity in the society and within the forces.

All Public services organizations are bound to follow a range of policies and procedures, to ensure that they have a diverse workforce, such as:

Equal opportunities and Anti-discrimination policies -

Grievance procedure Bullying and Harassment at work policies

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The trust from the people will be gained by understanding the percentage of those who are living in the community, and then recruit the same percentage into the Police force to reassure the minority that they can be treated respectfully by their own people within the eyes of the law.
The death of Stephen Lawrence on the 22nd of April 1993 is a horrific example of how the death of an innocent person influences the accusation in 1999 that the Metropolitan Police was famously accused of "institutionalized racism”
This was because the Police was white male dominated; this incident and accusation inspired the recruitment of more ethnic minority. The recruitment process was changed in April 2003 to ensure all applicants face the same eligibility tests when applying for the service. Under the Police reform act of 2002, PCSOs were introduced to the police family, to develop, reassure and contribute to decreasing crime by supporting the community by undertaking visible street patrols. This opened up a chance for women and ethnic groups to be recruited to represent and protect their community in the service. For example, in London it is thought that 25% of the civilians are ethnic groups, under the Home Office’s regulations of 1999, England and Wales are expected to have an ethnic composition proportion within the workforce to serve the local ethnic population.
When equality is