Unit 3 P1

Words: 2247
Pages: 9

1. (P1) Describe the following 4 key features of Health & Safety Legislation for Wakefield College and your company.

As well as using Wakefield College, I will be using Sulzer as the company of my choice. Both Sulzer and the Wakefield College must the follow these health and safety legislations below. Therefore they will both follow these procedures.

A) Control of Substances Hazardous to Health COSHH 2002

Any company, as well as Wakefield College must identify how the substance should be used/ kept and how to protect you from it. Some substances are dusts from mechanical cutting, mists and germs in metal working fluids, lubricants, and adhesives. Labels must be displayed which will identify the hazards to the direct user. Data and report
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Some equipment has their own rules, for example, lifting equipment, electrical equipment and work platforms. Sulzer and Wakefield College must make sure all equipment is suitable for working safe. Also the design of the controls is safe and that there are emergency stop buttons and to make sure isolation is identified and easily accessible. Also it is maintained and inspected to ensure it is correctly installed and does not subsequently deteriorate. Only used by people who has received adequate information, instruction and training. The right information and instructions for users must be provided by the supplier such as warning signs and clearly visible markings. The equipment must also conform to EC (European commission) standards or essential safety requirements and any dangerous parts must have safety guards to prevent accidents and danger to the user. Where this is not possible such as with the blade of a circular saw, it must be protected as far as possible and a safe system of work used. PUWER also states that you must use an adequate amount of lighting, carry out any maintenance only when stopped and isolated and with a personal lock. You must also have safety meetings and have signs and warnings around the equipment. (I got some information from here …show more content…
Deaths and injuries should be reported when there has been an accident which caused injury and the accident was work related or the injury is of a type which could be reportable. No matter how bad they are they all must be reported and recorded in the near miss or accident book. Injuries must be reported to protect the employee in the event of a future claim for example it could happen again but the injury could get worse next time. The employer at work or the tutor must be informed so that they can take action to prevent it happening in the future. At Sulzer, the employer must report the accident to the authorities whether that is to the HSE or local authority. If the accident results in fatality or major injury or dangerous occurrence then the accident should be reported immediately by phone. However, if the injury causes three days absence or 24 hours in hospital then it should be reported within a few days. (Reportable disease must be reported immediately. Retrieved some information from here http://www.hse.gov.uk/riddor/