Unit 3 Statistics Assignment 3

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Pages: 5

Statistics Assignment Three
The purpose of this paper is to explore descriptive statistics that involve two variables also known as bivariate (Loiselle, Profetto-Mcrath, Polit & Beck, 2011). The frequency counts and the observe number of each variable will be displayed using a contingency table, which displays a two dimensional table of the frequencies of the two variables, with a categorical level of measure either nominal or ordinal (Loiselle et al., 2011). The writer will provide contingency tables using the following variables: gender and age group, age group and National Institutes of Health hypertension category (NIofH hypertension category), gender and NIofH hypertension category, lastly gender and engages in moderate activity weekly. In addition, the contingency tables will be interpreted in a written format and a descriptive analysis will be provided. Lastly, a discussion on the variables and research questions along with their implications to nursing practice will be explored.

Question 2: Discussion
Gender and Age Group
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With the data presented within the data, it can be concluded that female were the largest sample of 22 participants compared to their male counterparts at 22 participants. Within age group 1 age 21 to 45, there were more female participants then male participants. While in age group two ages 46 to 65 there were more males than females within this group. A total of 10 female participants were within the age group 3 ages 66 to 80, while within the same age group there were half the among of male participants present. Both female and male participants had the same count of 1 participant each in age group 4 ages 81 and