Unit 4 P1 Essay

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Emotional development- Young infants probably do not have a sense of being an individual. Attachment has been defined as an affectional bond that endures across space and time. There would most likely be a psychological response; you would feel surprised and somewhat pleased to see your mom. Infants who are 'securely attached' have successfully developed what Erikson referred to as trust.

Social development- Infants soon recongnise their mothers voice and smell. Social referencing is the term for the way that infants take their cues from others in deciding what emotions and actions are appropriate. How do infants learn to be afraid of something? One way is their own experience, but that experience is very limited. A second way is by
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-10+ years- Begin secondary education, involved with their friends and share the same interests
-14+ years- self conscious about their physical appearance
-May overreact to parental questions or criticisms
-Risky behaviour/rebellious
-16+ years- rely on peer group support
-examination of others; values; beliefs, forms identity by organising perception of one’s attitudes
-Less affection shown toward parents; May sometimes seem rude or short-tempered.

Conditioning- In the 1906, ivan pavov publishished his work on conditioned learning in dogs. Pavov became interested in how the dogs learned to anticuipate food.
Reinforement & conditioning- It has to explain when people behave the way they do. It is important to work out how your own actions affects others. It is important to realise that difficult behaviour not planned or reasoned out by people.
According to erik erikson (1902-94), 13-21 years old young adults or adolescents ahve t to develop a sence of role confusion with a fragmented or unclear sence of self.
Girls generally start puberty before 13 but for boyus this comes between 13-15. Puberty is a developement stage which perepares the body for sexual reproduction.
Researchers stated that teenagers could be mentally ill. Lower amounts of stress- regulating hormone cortisole may be linked to unruly behaviour in adolescent males. The