Essay on United States Constitution and Government

Submitted By courtcourt74
Words: 1500
Pages: 6

Chapter 1 Population & Citizenship

Population Changes in America over time
1. Migration to cities
2. Immigration
3. Increase in birthrate
4. Migration from South to North
5. Growing populations in the South and the West

Immigration Peoples
1. 1600’s
a. French
b. English
2. 1700’s
a. Dutch
b. Swiss
c. German
d. Irish
e. Scottish
3. 1840-1890
a. Northern Europeans
a.i. Ireland
a.ii. Norway
a.iii. Sweden
a.iv. Denmark
a.v. Chinese
4. 1890-1925
a. Southern Europeans
a.i. Holly
a.ii. Greece
a.iii. Poland
a.iv. Russia
5. 1619-1808
a. Enslaved Africans
6. 1950’s-present
a. Latin America

American Citizenship
1. Birth
a. Birth in the United States
b. Birth in the American Territory
c. Birth on any United States military base
d. Birth to American citizens outside the United States
2. Naturalization
a. Live in the United States last 5 years, and be 18 years old
b. Process
b.i. File Notice of Intent
b.ii. Interview & Application
b.iii. Citizenship Exam
b.iv. Oath of Allegiance

Chapter 2 Roots of Democracy

Magna Carta (The Great Charter)
1. King John-1215
2. Protected privileges of nobles
3. Granted rights to landholders eventually applied to all English
4. No seizure of property or rights except under law.
5. Trial by jury
6. Equal treatment under law

1. Ideas of ideal government
a. We the people
2. John Locke- natural rights
a. Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness
3. Jean Jacques Rousseau- social contract
a. If government breaks contract people are free to charge government
4. Montesquieu- divided government
a. Branches of government
a.i. Legislative Branch
a.ii. Executive Branch
a.iii. Judicial Branch

Causes of the American Revolution
1. Proclamation of 1763
a. Salutary neglect
a.i. French & Indian War
2. Stamp Act
a. Stamp Act Congress
a.i. Revenue to pay for the French & Indian war
3. Quartering Act
a. Allowed Soldiers to be in people’s homes.
4. Intolerable Acts
a. Closes the Boston Harbor
b. Governor out of office
5. Tea Act
a. Boston Tea Party
a.i. Indian dress up
6. Townshend Duties
a. Taxes on glass, paint, paper, oil, lead, and tea.
b. Writs of Assistance

Declaration of Independence
1. Preamble
a. Explains why the Continental Congress drew up the Declaration of Independence
2. Declaration of Natural Rights
a. Lists the rights of the citizens
b. In a Republic, people form a government to protect their rights.
3. List of Grievances
a. Lists the colonists complaints against the British government
b. King George is signaled out for blame
4. Resolution of Independence
a. Declares that the colonies are free from England.
b. They have full power to make war, to form alliances, and to trade with other countries.

Articles of Confederation
1. Weaknesses
a. No power to tax
b. No power to regulate interstate commerce or foreign trade
c. One state one vote
d. 9 out of 13 states to pass a law
e. 13 out of 13 to amend
f. No president and no national court system
2. Strengths
a. Declare war, make peace
b. Coin money, regulate weights and measures
c. Land Ordinance of 1785
c.i. Sectioning off the land in blocks called townships.
c.ii. 7 ranges
d. Northwest Ordinance of 1787
d.i. New states/ government
d.ii. 5,000 citizens for territory
d.iii. 60,000 citizens for statehood
d.iv. No slavery
Critical Period ( 1781-1789)
a. British forts of American soil
b. Loyalist land issues
c. War debt- congress owns
d. Taxes????
e. High unemployment/ recession
f. States have debt and high taxes

Shay’s Rebellion
a. Farmer about to lose land
b. Taxes and foreclosures
c. Seized guns from armory
d. Defeated by Massachusetts Militia
e. Need for strong National Government

Chapter 3

Virginia Plan
1. Favored large states
2. Bicameral congress
a. 2 parts (Senate/ House)
3. Number of members based on population
4. 3 branch government
a. Legislative branch would choose Executive/Judicial