Universal Intellectual Standards Essay

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Pages: 3

Universal Intellectual Standards

Universal intellectual standards must be applied to thinking whenever one is curious in checking the choice of thinking about a difficult, issue, or state of affairs. One of the most important standards is relevance. If a person does not consider the relevance of there thinking then how will it be applied to dive into a problem set? Relevance is a clear and concise statements that pertain to the details of a situation. If I were to be tasked with getting 5 apples from the store, I would not get to the store and then wonder how many oranges to get. These standards play in to our every day lives when we are at work, school, or just in our personal lives. Issues can come up at a moments notice and we must be prepared for them.

In our work lives we have to deal with the daily grind of problem after problem. The Marine Corps is infamous for this. The day in and day out of seeing problems and fixing them we train ourselves to see the relevance in what we do. What is important to our jobs, our bosses, our co-workers, these are all things we need to consider. The relevance of the ideas and items we have, play into how we perceive the scenario. If I was working in an office and needed to connect two pieces of paper I would take a quick look at all the
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That allow a person to learn and receive data. These skills require the ability to be able to look at the information we are taking in and relate other important information to it. If a person is reading a history book and learning of a particular time in the past they will come across events that relate to each other. If a person does continue reading they will eventually find the events that occurred that were relevant to the major even that happened, such as Paul Revers night ride. The occurrence of events are not always relevant, however they continue to eventually build a story. This is the same as our personal