One disorder Billy has is Schizophrenia. “Billy went to New York City, and got on an all-night radio program devoted to talk. He told about having come unstuck in time. He said, too, that he had been kidnapped by a flying saucer in 1967. The saucer was from the planet Tralfamadore” (25). He believes Tralfamadorians kidnapped him, but it could have been a delusion or he was hallucinating. “And Billy zoomed back in time to his infancy… and then Billy was a middle-aged optometrist again…” (85). Billy has an inability to focus on things he is presently doing. Another disorder I believe Billy has is post-traumatic stress disorder. “Billy Pilgrim got onto a chattered airplane in Illium twenty-five years after that. He knew it was going to crash…” (154). This could have been very traumatic for Billy. “As a time- traveler, he has seen his own death many times.” (141). These could be flash backs when he is in after life or frightening thoughts he has. Velasquez 2
The disorder Billy does not have is major depression or bipolar disorder. For the most part, Billy does