Van Gogh's Starry Night

Words: 179
Pages: 1

In “Starry Night,” Van Gogh uses the seven elements of art. Every artists uses these elements and it’s usually just a few but Van Gogh used all seven. In the art magazine on page 4 in paragraph 3 it says,”He contrasts this by using long, organic [curved] lines to paint the large cypress tree on the left and short, sharp dashes in the tiny village below.” The large tree helps place where everything in the painting is which is space and he uses visual texture to create the smaller trees in the background. For color it’s the yellow in the sky that accompanies the blue and the green in the tree. Also in the article on page 5 in the first paragraph under ‘The Value of Color’ it says,”Blue is the dominant hue, or color, in ‘The Starry Night’. How