Through the audio guides provided, it is mentioned that Van Gogh saw his paintings as his ministry and service. Art was a way for the painter to find a deep connection to his soul and the divine, and the subject matter he chose to portray was often tied to his connotations of Christianity. The Olive Trees (the one painting shown is part of a series) creates a parallel to Christ in the garden of Gethsemane, and further illustrates how the artist interacted with his faith through nature. Starry Night Over the Rhone is one of Van Gogh’s most famous works, yet the fact that it was spiritually inspired escapes many. It is said that starlight inspired Van Gogh’s faith in God, and he once wrote in a letter to his brother, “When I have an immense need for religion, I go out into the night, in the open, and paint the stars.” (Adams & Beach 259) As stated by John Franklin in his essay, “The works of Vincent van Gogh offer a vision of the world filled with a vital presence that allows us -if only for a moment- to catch a glimpse of the transcendent.” (Franklin