Variable Represents A Value That Is Stored Into A Computer's Memory

Submitted By Bmilli89
Words: 327
Pages: 2

1. taken and the order it needs to be executed.

2. A variable represents a value that is stored into a computer’s memory.

3. (+) has two meanings: first for addition and the other is to combine two strings.

4. The standard output for Java is system.out and the standard input for Java is

5. The println purpose is to move the beginning of the next line after displaying the string, but print does not advance to the next line when completed.

6. An expression involves values, variables, and operators that combine them together to evaluate a value.

7. A named constant represents a permanent value.

1. Its easier than typing the same value more than once
2. If you have to change the constant value, it only has to be changed in on location in the source code
3. Choosing one descriptive name for a constant value make the program easier to read.
9. Addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), and Remainder (%).

10. A literal is a constant variable that appears directly in a program.

11. Less than (<), Less than or equal to (<=) Greater than (>) Greater than or equal to (>=) Equal to (==) Not equal to (!=)

12. An if- else statements decides which statement is true or false

13. Forgetting necessary braces, or ending an if statement in the wrong place is a common error in selection statements.

14. The logical operators can be used to create a compound Boolean expression.

15 A switch statement