When enrolled as a student and employed as a staff member life can get overwhelming, and it can be extremely difficult to find the time to get all the required obligations completed. However, online, night, and early morning classes are offered to make scheduling less of a hassle. Many times employees are payed less when they do not have a degree, and money can get tight whenever paying college tuition and other expenses that go along with that. Therefore, the college advertises that it is common for students to succeed and accomplish greatness which can open job opportunities. This claim encourages students to work the long hours and spend the money because they can be successful too. …show more content…
Sometimes it can be hard to make ends meet whenever you can only bring in the paycheck of a low paying job. It is much easier to get many higher paying job opportunities whenever a person has the qualifications to back up their resume. Without a degree it is more likely that you will be stuck with a job you are unhappy with according to the display on the advertisement. This idea is true for many people in the work force. With a degree more than likely there is a higher paycheck. With a higher paycheck there are nicer things, and that in return makes many people in society