Water Pollution Essay

Submitted By farbodat
Words: 1020
Pages: 5

Farbod Taheri
Ms. Chery
April 28, 2015
Water Pollution
pollution is the contamination of water bodies such as lakes, rivers, oceans and groundwater. This form of environmental littering occurs when pollutants are directly or indirectly discharged into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove harmful compounds. Water pollution is a major global problem which requires ongoing evaluation and consideration. Each day more and more bodies of water are polluted by factors such as old sewer systems, the oil industry and factory run offs. A polluted body of water can have a huge effect on all the living things around it. a contaminated water can harm ecosystems, environment and dangerous damages or even death for animals and humans.
● Unsafe water causes 4 billion cases of diarrhea each year, and results in 2.2 million deaths, mostly of children under five. This means that 15% of child deaths each year are attributable to diarrhea – a child dying every 15 seconds. In India alone, the single largest cause of ill health and death among children is diarrhea, which kills nearly half a million children each year.
Water pollution has high rates in the united states as well as any other place in the world. Industries and factories in the united states dump their wastes into bodies of water

causing massive damage to not just the water but the environment. Around 70% of the industrial waste is dumped into the water bodies where they pollute the usable water supply. The United States is no different than other countries around the world in polluting the water, mostly caused by factories, oil industries and sewage treatment plants.
Even Though in the United states legislators have been trying to stop the pollution by passing bills such as the clean water act which tries to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the nation's waters by preventing point and nonpoint pollution sources, providing assistance to publicly owned treatment works for the improvement of wastewater treatment, and maintaining the integrity of wetlands. Other policies fighting water pollution try to decrease the pollution rates by setting a maximum amount for the runoffs daily wastes industries are legally allowed to dump onto bodies of water. “A Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) is a regulatory term in the U.S. Clean
Water Act, describing a value of the maximum amount of a pollutant that a body of water can receive while still meeting water quality standards.”
But the question is how effectively is the united state’s policies working keeping in mind that the damages being done to the environment and especially bodies of water are passing the point of ‘can't be undone’.
Water pollution is a live and increasing threat causing various and many harms to the environment, animals and especially human lives. At this time water pollution is at its highest rates. According to UNICEF, more than 3000 children die everyday globally due to

consumption of contaminated drinking water. it is true that around the world organizations and even government are in a battle with big industries in order to stop them from continuing the pollution. The statistics related to water pollution show the reality of the threat water pollution causes:
● Everyday, 2 million tons of sewage and industrial and agricultural waste are discharged into the world’s water (UN2003), the equivalent of the weight of the entire human population of 6.8 billion people.
● The UN estimates that the amount of wastewater produced annually is about
1,500 km3 , six times more water than exists in all the rivers of the world. (UN 2003)
At this point the work needed to treat water bodies may take huge effort, time and money due to the long time of ignoring the environment and its problems. In the United
States it is not one branch but the collaboration of all parts is needed to sufficiently help and treat the