Content and Development (40 points) Points Earned: 38/40 Additional Comments:
•Your summary was perfect! You provided just enough information that anyone could read this and understand the two sides.
•Great job stating your opinion
•Loved your percpetual blocks/habits that hinder. I think resistance to change is a great one. I am sure many people can relate to feeling this way.
•Good job, I think more research is a great way to overcome habits/perceptual blocks. You provided great sample questions.
•Great job on your process of manipulated by perception. You explained this well.
•Your introduction was excellent
•missing conclusion
All key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way, including the following:
• A summary of the issue
• A position on the issue
• An explanation of the perceptual blocks and habits that hinder thinking when looking at the opposing view and defending your own
• Description of what the student can do to overcome those perceptual blocks and habits that are hindering thinking
• Explanation of how thought processes can be manipulated by perception
•Introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews