Westward Expansion Research Paper

Words: 697
Pages: 3

Impact of Westward expansion This era in the 1800s was a life changing experience for all Americans. It defined the way America is today, it is the reason for so many lasting issues that still exist. It may have happened hundreds of years ago, but the effects of this still linger. This is a Westward expansion. White Americans felt the idea that they were meant to settle the entire continent of North America, this idea was called Manifest Destiny. Throughout westward expansion the Chinese immigrated to the US, the Native Americans were taken over, and Mexican-Americans were outnumbered. All these groups were strongly affected by westward expansion and it altered theirs and future generations' lives forever. The experience of Native Americans in America during …show more content…
One example of this is that once the Gold Rush began, "California had a hundred thousand Anglos and only thirteen thousand Mexicans." As stated in The War Against Mexico, left and right side annotations. This shows that it is unjust because it was the Mexican land to begin with and they got over powered. As the Tensions with Mexico notes says, "Mexico surrendered in the war and the US won." This was due to Americans only thinking about what is best for them and not caring about the Mexicans or their future. This is why Westward Expansion strongly impacted Mexicans in the Tejas region. The effects of Westward expansion still last today. The 1800s was a vicious era in America. Many problems that we had then, we still have to this day. For example, Native Americans still don't have their once known and loved homes, the indigenous people only own about 2 percent of the US. Though things have gotten better for these three groups in America, they will never be the same after the Westward Expansion. Manifest destiny was a big reason for all the migration west of white people, they believed it was their duty to