What's All the Buzz About? Essay

Submitted By whitney84
Words: 1313
Pages: 6

What's All The Buzz About?
Grade Level: Second
Two Thirty-Minute Class Periods
Unit Overview:
This integrated unit focuses on the concepts of self-esteem, respect, philanthropy and community involvement. These concepts are explored through a fun, hands-on approach using song, science, books, art and interaction with another "community." The book Buzzy the Bumblebee is used to tie together these themes (see Bibliographical References). Through an exercise in encouraging others, students learn about the value of a strong community.

Comprehension and Collaboration
1. 2.SL.1 Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 2 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
Find aligned resources
1. 2.SL.1.1 Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., gaining the floor in respectful ways, listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion).
2. 2.SL.1.2 Build on others’ talk in conversations by linking their comments to the remarks of others.
3. 2.SL.1.3 Ask for clarification and further explanation as needed about the topics and texts under discussion

Key Words/Concepts – ELA:
Buzzy the Bumblebee; Constructing Meaning; Fiction Literature; Group Discussions; Response to Text/Others; Role-Play; Speaking; Understanding/Interpretation.

Unit Objectives:
The learner will:
• identify examples of talk that hurts other people.
• illustrate Buzzy the Bumblebee’s feelings at various points in the story.
• sing the "Buzzy the Bumblebee" song.
• construct a Buzzy headband using a pattern.
• identify the following common insects: dragonfly, bee, grasshopper, ant and fly.
• use tally marks to record data.
• record the number of insects they see in a familiar environment.
• perform the "Buzzy the Bumblebee" song.
• read a favorite book with a buddy from the other group.
• discuss things he/she and his/her buddies are good at.
• create thank-you note or poster.
• reflect on service-learning experience through class discussion.
• create a "community web" by using respectful, positive, uplifting comments.
• identify how the break down of the "web" can happen through negative comments.
• reflect upon feelings through class discussion.
Unit Purpose:
• The students respond to text and apply the principles of believing in oneself and being kind to others within the community. The purpose of this unit is to build self esteem, promote responsible citizenship and encourage philanthropic behaviors.
• In what ways do students positively or negatively affect their community?

The learner will:
• identify examples of talk that hurts other people.
• illustrate Buzzy the Bumblebee’s feelings at various points in the story.
• sing the "Buzzy the Bumblebee" song.
• construct a Buzzy headband using a pattern.
Materials Needed:
Day One:
• Teacher copy of Buzzy the Bumblebee by Denise Brennan-Nelson (see Bibliographical References)
• Paper (one sheet per student)
• Crayons, colored pencils or markers
• Bee antennae (may be made with a headband and pipe cleaners)
Day Two:
• Teacher copy of "Buzzy the Bumblebee" song (Attachment Two)
• Copies of Attachment One: Headband on tagboard (one per student)
• Pipe cleaners (preferably black, two per student)
• Tape or stapler
• Scissors
• Crayons, colored pencils or markers (yellow & black)

Handout 1
Handout 2
Buzzy the Bumblebee Song
Handout 3
BEE-lieving in Yourself
Instructional Procedure(s):
Day One:
Anticipatory Set:
Begin the lesson by asking students if they have ever heard students in the hallways or classroom saying mean things about other children. Give an example by putting on bee antennae and holding the following pretend conversation:
"Bzzzzzz… (Name) is way too little to play on the soccer team!"
"Bzzzzzz… There’s no way he/she could do it!"
Explain that this type of