From this moment, the rapid competition to claim and explore the Americas began. The Europeans saw how resource rich the Americas were and began enslaving the indigenous people and taking its resources, like silver. Portugal did not have too large of a hand in American expansion due to the Treaty of Tordesillas, which drew a line through the Atlantic generally determining who had claim to what land between Portugal and Spain united in spreading Christianity, as well as Portugal’s methods of only establishing coastal control of a territory not affecting its inhabitants as much, and its focus on eastern trade with Asia. Spain, on the other hand, swept across Central America defeating both the Aztec and Inca Empires. Their arrival led to massive changes to the way of life for many indigenous people. The conquered peoples were enslaved and used to farm whatever resources the Spanish wanted under the encomienda system which allowed conquerors the right to control and organize the native people. As Europeans settled, they brought with them their way of living which included large stationary