What Is Hunting Persuasive Essay

Words: 669
Pages: 3

Hunting Hurts
You take out your rifle and feel the power in your hands. The cold metallic metal is shining in the sunlight. You look down the barrel and track the harmless animal like a hawk. You put your finger on the trigger and take a deep breath and prepare for the perfect moment to take your shot.
Animals are hunted daily around the world. And that is not acceptable. Hunting has diminished animal populations by 83% in a 25-mile radius of hunting access points. The other 17% are running all the time trying to survive. Also, hunting isn’t necessary anymore. We have evolved. We don't need to undertake these acts of violence just to feel accomplished or proud. There are many other ways to feel these emotions, but they choose to assassinate the poor animals in cold blood. They choose to become extremely violent and take a life. My last point is that 15 to 12% of hunters perish while hunting. That seems low, but 15% is 2 million people who die a year by hunting. There are many ways that could happen from, an inadvertent shot from a rifle to stepping in a bear trap.
In one year, 83% of the animals have been erased by hunters in a 25-mile radius of a hunting access point. Every day, Animals are driven try to survive in a place where they are constantly being
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In my opinion, hunting is cruel, violent, and unnecessary, but it still happens every day and it’s a big dilemma for the environment. Nature should be the ones to select who survives and who will perish. However, people might argue that it keeps the animal populations under control, or that it will teach the children of tomorrow valuable life skills; but that doesn't make it right. You need be conscientious about how it will affect the world around you. Animals still have to struggle every day to try to survive and procreate, so that they can have a future in this world and not be brought to their own