What Is The Cause Of Joseph Stalin Rise To Power

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Pages: 4

In June of 1930, Stalin wrote to his wife who was away having her headaches treated in Germany. "I miss you so much Tatochka. ... I'm as lonely as a horned owl… I'm not going out of town on business," Stalin wrote. "I'm just finishing up my work and then I'm going to go out of town to the children tomorrow ... so goodbye, don't be too long, come home sooner! My kisses! Your Joseph." (Ashley Fantz, CNN) While writing these letters Stalin was revamping the Soviet Union's economy in a way that would lead to the deportation of millions and a catastrophic famine; the beginning of plans which would lead to the slaughter of millions.

“Born to devoted, well-to-do Catholic parents, [Joseph Stalin] spent seven years at a Jesuit school as its star pupil. No one, however, could have ever guessed his rise to
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Hitler had his millions – Stalin, his tens of millions. Hitler had his short walk to power – Stalin had his pilgrimage to power. Hitler starved the Jews – Stalin starved his own people. Hitler tried to conquer Europe – Stalin effectively did, creating the Iron Curtain.” (Global Issues) Throughout history the world has seen countless examples of the corruption that comes with power, especially that which comes when you fear losing it. Joseph Stalin is only one of many who have risen to greatness only for their corruption to grow hand in hand with their power. From the Middle East to Russia we see once great nations in turmoil. Modern weapons and communications technologies have allowed power over vast areas to be controlled by small parties. Today we write stories about wars and dictators in the