Essay about where i come from

Words: 519
Pages: 3

Where i come from My house isn't the typical country house at the end of the street. It’s huge and the most noticeable building in the whole of the village. To get to my house you have to start a journey through a heavily wooded path leading to the gate way. As you drive down you are surrounded by the wilderness, the trees enclose around with the tiniest bit of sunlight shining through the trees. As walk up to the front door. You have to appreciate the enchanted woodlands with the wind whistling in your ear. Its such a peaceful place with no other building surrounding you just the birds chipping away and the forest creatures frolicking in the leaves. As you continue walking to the front door you get to the little stairs you have to big columns leading to the most elegant doors. They are made of mahogany a reddish brown timber from a tropical tree in africa.They have stained glass in the centre of the door to give a sophisticated look. I now head to my living room with my 65 inch tv which is 3D and my luxury golden brown sofa. The wallpaper is 250 years old but would never look out of fashion, as you touch it’s soft and furry. I now head to my bedroom its the most comfortable place to rest and sleep. The wallpaper is stippy pink and in the centre of the room where a fire place used to be i have a floral cream and pink wallpaper. On the right hand side i have my white television and xbox where i spend hours on end screaming at the tv having not won my game. Beside my television i have my walk in wardrobe where i press a button and it spins my clothes around so i can choose what to wear without ripping my clothes out of my wardrobe and getting myself in a hify. I have a family and friends collage where i have all my greatest memories, it makes me