Alexander the Great was a villain. He killed and enslaved thousands of people, and he destroyed cities while doing so. The most important pieces of evidence that show Alexander is a villain are that he completely demolished Thebes, he demanded that the other possible heirs were killed, and he …show more content…
Villains are the people who only think of themselves, as well as kill when it is not necessary. Alexander was only thinking of getting to the throne when he ordered the other heirs to be eliminated. Another significant piece of evidence is how Alexander burned Persepolis, the Persian capital. When Alexander took over Persepolis, he and his army celebrated. Then, Alexander ordered that the city was to be destroyed in revenge. Heroes are above revenge, and only a villain would burn down a city after he had taken it over. Finally, Alexander is a villain because he massacred the city-state Thebes to scare the other Greek city-states into submission. When Alexander heard that Thebes was forcing his soldiers to leave, he and his army were there so quickly the city-state didn’t stand a chance. Alexander burnt the city to the ground and sold the 30,000 surviving Thebans into slavery. If Alexander was a hero, he would have put down the revolt by speaking or a minor attack. Only a villain would completely raze a