Who's To Blame In Romeo And Juliet

Words: 390
Pages: 2

We all know there are a lot of deaths in Romeo and Juliet, and who is to blame? The answer is simple, Romeo did it all. All because he decided to make all these reckless and impulsive decisions. starting this route of chaos, love, murder, ultimately to Juliet and Romeos own death. The first most crucial thing Romeo does to start this route, is to go to the Capulet's party uninvited. Knowing that there's tension between Capulet and Montague families, he falls in love with Juliet on sight and Romeo foreshadows their fate saying ""My life was better ended by their hate, / Than death prorogued, wanting of thy love" (Act 1, Scene 1). This combo of Hate and Love sets the tone for the rest of the upcoming tragedies to come.

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