George was a very good friend to Lennie. It is obvious that George did not kill Lennie out of wrath or hatred. Becauses of Lennie’s disability, it was hard for them to get a job and keep it. George knew he would …show more content…
Lennie had a problem, he often forgot to not share secret information. If Lennie and George would have moved and continued traveling, Lennie would have most likely told someone about his mistake. Eventually more and more people would find out that Lennie killed someone, and people could possibly seek revenge. Some readers may believe that Curley would have given up if they gotten away. But Curley exhibited large amounts of wrath. Also, since Curley is the boss’s son, he could have easily started search parties to find, then potentially kill or lock up Lennie. George and Lennie would have constantly been being in danger and being searched.And it would not only be Lennie being searched, but George as well. Lennie continually made mistakes such as being accused of a sexual assault, and now murdering someone. Lennie was unknowingly dangerous to those around