In his book he tells how “they wished to honor the memory of Meriwether Lewis as a true hero, and leave it to future historians to unravel the cause of his death.” But he did believe that he was killed not that he committed suicide. He thinks that it is a mystery and that the answer lies in the ground with his remains.
Later on in the book “The Death of Meriwether Lewis” it tells how Meriwether Lewis was ill and could not travel and when he was able to travel he waited around for about six to eight days waiting for General Wilkinson to give Captain Russell permission to travel to Washington with him. But after General Wilkinson denied Russell the permission to go with Meriwether he sent agent Nelly with Meriwether for the trip to Washington. Later on Captain Russell wrote a letter to President Jefferson saying that if he had sent his own man instead of Nelly escorting him, Meriwether would have still been