Why Do Athletes Have Year-Round Stress?

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Pages: 2

Coaches cause stress on their athletes, so they should try to build a positive relationship with them. In “Predicting Student – Athlete Mental Health: Coach – Athlete Relationship”, Megan Powers explains how athletes have year round stress because of lots of physical and psychological demands (173). A lot of athletes have year-round stress because they have to worry about school and their sport as well. Coaches influence motivation and satisfaction throughout the year, both in the the classroom or on the field (172). If a coach is not motivating or wants the best for those athletes, the program will start to lose because the athletes confidence will disappear because the coach doesn’t want to “play”. By a coach not wanting to “play” is when he or she is not coaching the sport to play a game, that coach controls their athletes to the point they turn into robots and do whatever the coach wants. …show more content…
When an athlete has stress, it is not always the coaches or the school work that is causing it. The amount of stress can be from the athlete themselves. “personality traits have been linked to competition anxiety” (Powers et al., 173). Sometimes the athlete is so worried about being the best version of their self they don’t see how much stress they put on their bodies and minds daily. The amount of stress an athlete endures is alarming because they don’t see that when they put so much stress on their body that it can slowly turn into a mental health problem in the