Most men in the …show more content…
They are taking care of the baby all the time; during the day, during the night, and the time in between. They also become stressed because most of the time they are the only ones taking care of the child. Being trapped inside day after day looking and doing the same things could het boring to mothers. They need the extra help, even if it is their own mothers coming over and helping them for a limited about of time. They need someone to help them with the child and help them with things they would like to do. The father could take care of the child and let the mother sleep. Fathers could also make meals, give the spouse a massage, or another generous action that would help out in some way. Mothers have physical trauma after giving birth because of the stress their body has gone through. Some mothers have C-sections, which can be painful and take time to heal. The body also goes through multiple changes to carry a child; so overall soreness is a possibility