Why Do High School Athletes Use Steroids?

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Pages: 4

In June 2012, a survey had results of 640,000 high school athletes, both boys and girls, had used steroids at least once (Peterson, 1). That is more than 500 times the total players in the MLB! The usage of Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs) is going to keep becoming more and more common in high school sports if nothing is done about it. PEDs give confidence to the user along with some physical attributes. On the other hand, it does not do any good for anybody else whatsoever. It cannot be a matter of if someone tries to ban PEDs, but when someone will ban them. The use of Performance Enhancing Drugs has become a highly common factor in today’s sports, providing mandatory drug tests for high school sports will take a huge step towards banishing drug use in sports. …show more content…
Athletes who do not use PEDs are hard workers at heart. They have to work hard in order to be successful unlike the athletes who use drugs. PEDs builds muscle mass and strength for the user, giving them somewhat superhuman powers (Mayo Clinic Staff, 1). Athletes don’t take these drugs to get even on the playing field, they do it to get an advantage over the other. So if everyone else starts taking PEDs, then instead of taking a lower dose, they will start taking more than that lower dose. Then the amount that they take will only rise with no ceiling for when it has to stop (Pound, 2). “The much used metaphor – a level playing field – derives from a sport” (Beloff, 2). Instead of success stemming from hard work, it becomes a product from the test tube (Beloff, 2). The athletes need to be protected by punishment of the guilty (Beloff, 2). Therefore, drug testing must be mandatory in high school