The location of this college is 800 University Way, Spartanburg, SC 29303-4999 (Upstate location). Why have I selected this college? I selected this college because they have a great nursing program to start out in college. Also, while going to the college to be a nurse you are most likely to get a job when graduating for this college. This college I would have to say would be my last choice. This college is my last choice because I do not want to stay in Spartanburg when going to college. But overall this is a good college I could see my self at if things doesn't work out. The Instate tuition for this college is $10,068 (Upstate tuition). Scholarship and Financial aid that I could receive for this college is School-Sponsored Scholarships and Grants and The Hope (Help Outstanding Pupils Educationally) Scholarship (SCOIS). The requirements are four units of English, four units of Mathematics, three units of Laboratory Science, two units of Foreign Language, one unit of U.S History, two units of Social Studies, one unit of Fine arts, one unit of a Elective, and one unit of ROTC of Physical Education (SCOIS). This could be a potential college that I would consider myself