Why I Chose College Essay

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Pages: 5

For as long as I can remember, it’s been my goal to do well in high school and get into the best fitting college for myself with minimal student loans. I’ve grown up in a small high school and when I say small I definitely mean small. There are fifty students total from freshman to seniors. This means almost everyone is involved in multiple sports, activities and clubs. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love my small town, but it’s past due time to leave this village for a while and explore my areas of study.
The number one reason I want to go to college is to change. I want to enhance my outlook on life. I want to be sure that the career I’m choosing is going to make a change in people's lives. My plan is to go into clinical psychology. This is career that I believe would lead me to helping people understand themselves, their lives, and their issues. I need to become independent, also. As an eighteen year old high school student, I’ve always been dependent on my parents. Furthermore, college life would be the perfect time for me to really mature and find myself.
Likewise, I believe that I’ve
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I’ve always enjoyed being a leader in situations and I believe I am a good fit to be in charge of group projects, for instance. I have been in sports such as volleyball and cheerleading through my high school years. I was put in charge of my fellow teammates in volleyball as floor captain. Also, for cheerleading, I was co-captain. Being vice president of my class this year and the past years being president has made me become a big part of our student council and I have helped lead and plan school events and activities. I planted flowers for our community downtown, helped the elderly on the holidays, talked to our Verdigre School Board of Education on how I want to help out and organized events for our elementary and highschool students, as well . My leadership is definitely a piece of myself that really makes me proud of what I can