Why I M Going To College Research Paper

Words: 629
Pages: 3

I think that college is an important experience in every young person’s life. College helps teach people so much more than just the fields they selected. Although only 66% of high school graduates are enrolling in college, I think that it is still one of the best option for most students. Personally, I’m choosing to spend the next four years of my life at college because it will overall improve my life. At college, I can really find myself and new things that I’m passionate about, learn to live and interact with different people and cultures, and further my education to prepare for my future.

One important reason why I’m choosing to go to college is to find myself. First, at college, you get a fresh start. You can change how you dress, act, and the type of people you talk to. College is also a good place to discover any new passions you didn't know that you had. Whether it's a sport, class, or new activity, there are plenty of new things to discover at college. Also, college will help you find out what you want to do after you graduate. If you’re going into college, not knowing
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First, you can achieve independence when living in a dorm, away from your parents. Since this is probably your first time living without your guardians, there is still a lot to learn about living on your own or with a friend. Also, there are a lot of new people to meet at college. Out of all the people there, you can make a ton of new friends and people that will help you get through college a little easier. With all these people there, you are bound to experience different cultures. This is important because you get to see how people from other parts of the country and sometimes the world live. Being social is an important part of life because you need to know how to communicate to do anything, and college is a great place to improve your social skills because there are so many other people to