Why I Want To Pursue After College Essay

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Pages: 6

Since I started high school, basically every adult that I come into contact with asks me, “Do you know what career you would like to pursue after college?” My answer is virtually the same every time, “No, I have no idea. I do not know what I want to major in either.” The adult will usually respond with, “Well, what do you enjoy; where do you excel?” Again, I say that I am unsure, and usually, that is where the conversation ends. Honestly, thinking about which college to attend, what to major in, and what career to pursue makes me stressed. However, since I am a senior in high school, I need to make this more of a priority. Recently, I have noticed that I enjoy helping others with their schoolwork. For example, I helped my sister Allison work some math problems for the ACT test, and I was very satisfied when she finally understood the concepts that I taught her. Accordingly, these qualities make me wonder if God is calling me to be a high school teacher. Despite the low salary and difficulties that come with teenagers, for …show more content…
In an interview with Lori Warnick, a math teacher at Tupelo Christian Preparatory School, she described her daily routine. “I get here (TCPS) a little before seven and try to get copies made and get ready for class. And it just depends, like Beta Meetings, I had to print out rosters. And then, I teach all day long, have a twenty minute break for lunch, and then I have fifth period off, so that’s my planning period for about fifty minutes to get copies made and lesson plans done and papers graded. Then, I tutor for usually at least two hours every day after school, sometimes more; then, I go home and usually grade papers because there isn’t enough time in the day to get it all done. Then I work on my graduate classes a little while before I go to bed. And somehow, I find time to be a mom. My house never gets