There was still much to do such as fix farm equipment or fences when crops could not be grown. The off season was almost always winter. In the month of January they would mend fences and made tools. There was usually rain showers and some snow during this time of year. February meant that the farmers usually spread cow and horse manure to the fields to let the soil mature. This was a prosperous method in fertilizing the soil to have a magnificent harvest later in the year. This was also considered a rainy month. During march the farmers would still be moving manure to the fields and then would began to plow it so the soil would be fertile underground. This allowed the roots to grow very well and be healthy until harvesting time. The weather was dry and there was no severe frost during this month. April was when they began sowing the seeds. There was typically showers and sunshine during this month. May was for digging ditches and the first plow of fallow fields. This month was filled with showers and