Instead, these locations will push beautiful resorts, fancy group events, and tours in hopes of increasing security while in their care. People fail to realize that all it takes is a few minutes and once the opportunity presents itself, organized crime takes place. Rethinking human trafficking, states there were 100 plus articles that exposed government agencies, particularly the U.S., often neglected to review data sources (Weitzer, 2013, p. …show more content…
Knowing that you can surveillance someone for hours or days to potentially catch them off guard and make an unknown amount seems easy. The person, probably so caught off guard that they would not be able to identify their attacker. If in unfamiliar territory, such as a foreign country or another state would make it nearly impossible to tell authorities your location without recognizing streets or landmarks. The flipside is that some people willingly partake due to the lack of financial resources, but are not truly aware of the risks associated. The lack of general education and legal illiteracy are also factors that facilitate the manipulation of such people and setting them in dependence and operating circumstances. Methods of social mistreatment are rooted in modern economic order. With limited access to capital, traffickers use gaps in the organizational services by offering what the person lacks at that