It’s a constitutional part of our history, and the creation of our democracy. Rights come with Responsibilities. Always remember to handle your firearm carefully, because anything could go wrong. “Knowing your firearm inside and out, as well as knowing how to use it is your responsibility.” (Survival Stoic) This is one of the most important topics when it comes to the Second Amendment. Being responsible is what helps this right to stand. “All gun owners should be educated on the risks associated with guns and the best practice for storing them securely.” (Everytown) This helps keep everyone safe by letting people know how to use and store guns correctly. Using firearms the way they are supposed to be used ensures peoples safety. Respect the power a firearm has and don't be dangerous with these weapons. Gun protection can have a positive impact on society in several ways. “Our Constitution's framers affirmed our right to bear arms through the Second Amendment for an important reason; To provide Americans with means of protection and self defense.” (Adrian Smith) This allows individuals to exercise their right to self defense and