Why Schoolers Should Not Study Hall

Words: 624
Pages: 3

At the high school level students are expected to go through a 7 period day with 55 minute classes at least, where I am from. High school students in particular juniors and seniors have it the worse because they want to hang out with friends or even do an afterschool activity but, with the sea of homework and college applications there is not much of a social life. I support individuality and schools should as well, students aren’t prisoners; you see college students and people aren’t like “they’re being conformed or “It’s like a prison.” So why is it that high schoolers shouldn’t get an option of study hall or some kind of bonus period where they can chill. Expectations for students are intense and the way a school day is set up is even worse by putting a restraint on creativity and analytical thinking within the classroom. …show more content…
Now as a Junior take into account that their schedule is clogged with AP classes and on top of that a health class or gym ust to get a credit done. So AP classes and that means 3 periods free, so guidance is going to throw a student into random classes to fill the rest. 5 Ap classes with no breaks except for lunch and the electives but, when that student gets home uncovering the horiific reality that you have 4 hours of homework and that is if that student doesn’t play a sport . If he or she does then it is about 11 o'clock until that student could get to bed. Teacher’s wonder why students aren’t engaged and it is because we are tired and not being able to take at least 30 minutes to just regain