We know thanksgiving as an obligation to see you family and try eating uncle Ned's horrible burnt stuffing while feeding half our scraps to the dog under the table. We put up with it because that is what we know and it doesn't ask much so we don't question it. It is a chore but it is easy and only once a year so we do it every year. Even if you have to travel 3 hours away across a state or so far you need an airplane we flock to this because we just kind of roll with it because that how we were raised. Americans see this as a minor holiday but still it feels crucial to see your family's so we say "what the heck" and go to there thanksgiving even when there is distance. Like I said everyone has a different experience when it comes to thanksgiving there are people who see it as a pain in the butt and not worth the trouble of getting off the couch. Many think that we should abandon the tradition do you agree “what is the point” is probably going threw your head “Why not”. Because that is the easy way out and it is a tradition because it is great enough to keep passing down the generations. That alone is reason enough to celebrate