Williams time in the office was extremely short. William was in the Whig political party(Profiles Of U.S. Presidents 6). William was also the oldest man to ever be elected. He was elected at the age of sixty-seven. He was also the last president born under a british rule. William was the first to die in office(Encyclopædia Britannica). William had a long and successful career as a soldier. He served as a aide-de-camp to General “Mad” Anthony Wayne at the battle of Fallen Timbers in August 1794. This victory by the United States opened Ohio to settlement(Profiles Of U.S. Presidents7). As an early child William was suggest the military as a career. One summer while William was in medical school he dropped out to enlist in the army. The Philadelphia newspaper reported many stories. The stories were about hostile indians on the American frontier. The leader by the name of Lee had a great appeal to Harrison(Profiles Of U.S.