Period 2
Character Analization in the Play Wit Life; a four letter word that allows seven billion people to live on this planet. It lets each and every single person be able to learn what life is all about. Every human being on this earth is trying to survive their own battles in every day life. For example, the main character Vivian in the play Wit suffers with Ovarian Cancer. Vivian thought she was better than everyone else all of her life which left her to die alone. Therefore, people like Vivian have to face different battles every day that traumatize one’s life forever. The main character in this play, Vivian, fights to overcome cancer that has taken over her body. When Vivian first finds out she is diagnosed with this cancer she immediately starts kemo. After she is hospitalized she becomes very upset with herself and takes it out on her doctors and nurses. Vivian realizes that one of her doctors was her former student in a poetry course that she had taught many years ago. This young man’s name is Jason who has become very successful in life. When Jason was in Vivian’s class he thought she should die old and alone. She didn’t give any respect to her students so why should she ever get any back? This gave her a bad reputation that left her with feelings of guilt that can never be taken back. As the play went on we were able to realize that no one had compassion for Vivian. She was a heartless old lady that only cared about herself. Vivian was rude to everyone that had ever cared or