The first result of women being more involved in the workforce is that, they are increasingly becoming more independent. To illustrate, most women nowadays are more focused on getting a degree so that they can support on their own financial needs. In result, some women become less likely to get married or prolong themselves as single, due to the fact that they tend to think that they no longer need men in their lives because they are already capable of owning most of their needs, such as house, a car, and a dependable bank account.
However, there are definite downsides to mothers who are working. This causes the next result that, mothers working full-time that means they have busier schedules and may be forced to put their children in daycare. As to that, daycare facilities are expensive where struggle can be even worse for poor mothers. Not to mention, mothers will have to spend less time with their children which can also affect their bond with each other. Be that as it may, this could be a major problem for mothers where they are having difficulty accessing quality care for their children.
Another result of women in the workforce is that, women are increasingly becoming more educated as well. For mothers, they can promote a healthier