The 1920’s led to a myriad of influential decisions and social changes. However, one of the most iconic changes were those of social reform for women. Women underwent numerous social changes in the 1920’s, most of which would prove to change women's rights for good. One such social change was of a new emerging woman, nicknamed the Flapper. The Flapper embodied many new ideals of women and, “Many women celebrated the age of the flapper as a female declaration of independence” (“Flappers”).The Flapper was a middle class women, usually single, who supported themselves. The Flapper also usually drank, smoked, and took part in many “unlady like” activities(“Flappers”). A Flapper was also usually pretty easy to identify, with shoulder length hair, knee high dresses, and high heels. Although Flappers were revolutionizing women social norms, there still were very few women who actually followed these ideals. Many women still followed the Victorian woman ideals, and therefore detested the Flapper way of life. However, even though small in number, the women who followed Flapper ideals would prove change women's gender roles, and social norms for good, all of which is shown today. However, the Flapper way of life wasn’t the only social change that went on in the 1920’s for women many more would