Women's Rights In The Crucible

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Pages: 5

Women’s rights is one of the most significant movements in this country’s history. Since its independence, women have been treated unfairly and with much disrespect. Woman were not even allowed to vote until 1920. These mistreatments are due to the gender bias in human nature. This bias is apparent in everyday life as well as in books such as The Crucible. While The Crucible explores gender bias in human nature, the issue of woman’s rights in contemporary society illustrates we are still faced with this gender bias through the wage gap, unequal treatment and violent hate crimes on women.
Women’s rights has been a contemporary issue in human nature since the colonial times. In The Crucible, the women
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This movement has been around since the early 19th century, marked by the signing of the Declaration of Sentiments. ENTER SIGNAL PHRASE “The first women’s convention held in Seneca falls, New York. After two days of debate, the declaration of sentiments was signed” (Women’s Rights). The main goal of the Declaration of Sentiments was to show how little rights women had at the time. Some of the main points in this declaration was that it was close to impossible for the average woman to get into a proper college and that they did not have the right to own property. Women from this time period found it hypocritical that the same people who swore their lives to the Constitution would contradict it by not giving a human being equal rights. The people who signed this declaration we going against the social norm since the majority of people still followed old fashioned stereotyped roles of men and women. ENTER SIGNAL PHRASE “At a time when traditional roles were still very much in place, the Declaration caused much controversy. Many people respected the courage and abilities behind the drafting of the document, but were unwilling to abandon conventional mindsets” (Women’s rights). People of this time period held a mentality that men were the workers of the house and that the women would stay at home and watch the kids. It was not common for the woman to work and as a result, they were not given certain privileges such as owning land and going to college. The core issue of the women’s rights movement revolves around this problem. If people would ignore the past as well as false stereotypes, women would no longer face unequal treatment due to gender