Women's Suffrage Movement Research Paper

Words: 851
Pages: 4

Do you know what the women’s suffrage movement or the 19th amendment is? “The Women’s Suffrage Movement was a long fight for women’s right to vote which led to the 19th Amendment” (Editors). The women’s suffrage movement is not about suffering. This all started before the Civil War. “The campaign for women’s suffrage began in earnest in the decades before the Civil War” (Editors). The women’s suffrage movement was also known as the women’s rights movement. This movement started in the 1850s, but lost its momentum once the Civil War started. Some women’s suffrage advocates believed that this was their chance to push lawmakers for truly universal suffrage. “As a result, they refused to support the 15th Amendment and even allied with racist Southerners” (Editors). By 1869, Elizabeth Cady …show more content…
Each role is very important. “Eight million women volunteered as American Red Cross workers in a variety of capacities, from making surgical dressings, masks, and gowns, operating servicemen’s canteens to provide wholesome entertainment for soldiers and sailors, volunteering as nurse’s aides in veterans' hospitals, and providing recreational services to convalescing servicemen” (National Park Service). Women had to take care of the men fighting; however, they didn’t just take care of men. “They did jobs that men would do, too. Tens of thousands of women joined The Women’s Land Army to work the soil, fields, and orchards to free men for military service” (National Park Service). They did the farming while the men fought, but that is not everything the women did. “Operating close to the battlefront the SA women provided coffee, donuts, letter writing, clothes mending, and a variety of other services to soldiers and sailors at embarkation and debarkation ports, canteens, and were always a welcome sight to our service members” (National Park Service). Women made sure men got fuel for their bodies to keep fighting. Women still have more