Women's Suffrage Movement Research Paper

Words: 889
Pages: 4

Did you know that fifty years before women got the right to vote, a woman ran for political office? Women’s role in society helped the women’s suffrage movement, which helped advance the 19th amendment. Today this essay will dive deep into the women's suffrage movement and the 19th amendment, including the topics of what life was like before the movement, how women contributed to the suffrage movement, talking about the role women played in World War 1, how this led to the 19th amendment, and lastly what life was like after the 19th amendment for women. Life before the Women’s Suffrage movement, and the 19th amendment, was an exceedingly difficult time for women. “Married women could not own property and had no legal claim to any money that they …show more content…
navy for the duration of the war” (www.cartrack.co.tz). Take Elizabeth and Mairi for example, they played a significant role in World War 1. “Elizabeth and Mairi set up their own First Aid post, close to the Belgian front line at Pervyse in November 1914” (“5 Inspirational Stories Of Women In The First World War”)Elsie who was a trained nurse, had the idea that if the nurses were able to get to the front line, they could help and save more wounded soldiers. Elizabeth and Mairi risked their lives to save and help countless soldiers on the front line. “They often worked under fire and left Pervyse only after being badly gassed in 1918.” (“5 Inspirational Stories Of Women In The First World War”) “Both were awarded the Belgian order of Leopold in 1915 and the British military Medal in 1917 for their bravery.” (“5 Inspirational Stories Of Women In The First World War”) You might think that after the 19th amendment was passed, that all was well with the