Essay about World Religions Exam Review

Submitted By meganlalonde
Words: 1738
Pages: 7

World Religions Exam Review
Layout: 3 parts - 60-70 marks
Part 1: Definitions
12 terms to define and explain religious significance (3 marks each)
Part 2: Multiple Choice
20 multiple-choice questions
Part 3: Word Pairs
2 marks each (choose 5 pairs)
Part 4: Short Answer Question
5 marks
Bonus Question
(4-5 marks)
Short Answer:
Be able to discuss differences between how followers of Eastern and Western parts of the world see: nature, time, sin, death, sense of self, degree of interdependence/ independence, concept of God, matter/spirit…




Live in nature - nature is important in Eastern religions

Live with nature - nature isn’t important to Western religions



A line with a beginning and end


Karma - no judgement





Sense of self



Sense of interdependence

Strong (collective)

Weak (individualist)

Concept of God

There is the acceptance of a universal truth: God emanates
(part of) everything — God is not separate from the world

God created the world and is separate from his creation



Live in space

Live in the moment

Value activity

Value rest





Seek change

Accept what it is

Live with nature

Live in nature

Want to know how it works

Want to know meaning

Freedom of speech

Freedom of silence

Strive for articulation

Lapse into meditation

Love first, then marry

Marry first, then love

Love is vocal

Love is mute

Focus on self-assurdness

Focus on self-abnegation

Attempt to gain more

Learn to do with less

Ideal — being successful

Ideal — love of life

Honor achievement

Honor austerity

Wealth/Poverty — results of enterprise

Wealth/Poverty — results of fortune

Cherish vitality of youth

Cherish wisdom of years

Retire to enjoy the rewards of your work

Retire to enjoy the gift of your family

The statement “what goes around comes around” best represents the perspective of which religion(s)?
• The saying “what goes around comes around” can be related to karma
• The two applicable religions are Buddhism and Hinduism
• Cause and effect
Everything we say and do determines what's going to happen to us in the future. Whether we act honestly, dishonestly, help or hurt others, it all gets recorded and manifests as a karmic reaction either in this life or a future life. All karmic records are carried with the soul into the next life and body and determine the quality and events of our next life
• Karma is the totality of one’s actions in life, and it determines the form that an individual will take when he or she is born

• The accumulation of bad karma will result in the rebirth at the lower station in life or as a lower form of life
• The accumulation of good karma will result in rebirth at a higher station in life, which is closer to attaining salvation
• In order to achieve salvation, Hindus must work their way up the ladder of existence. They do so by trying to secure rebirth at a higher level


Karma is the result of our own past actions and our own present doings
Constant cycle of death and rebirth as a consequence of our good and bad deeds
We ourselves are responsible for our own happiness and misery
We are the architects of our own fate

Introduction to Religion Terms
Infidel- one who has no religious beliefs, or doubts the beliefs of one’s own religion (literally means “unfaithful”)
Secular- concerned with or belonging to the material world
Agnostic- a person who doubts that humankind can know the existence of a possible god and the possible existence of anything beyond this life
Atheist- one who holds the belief that no god exists
Martyr- a person willing to offer or die for the beliefs or faith
Gentile- a term that commonly means non-Jew
Humanism- an outlook of thought that views humankind as the source of all value or meaning
Sacred- connected with religion
Aboriginal Religion
The Medicine Wheel
The Four Directions- symbolic of