Wrongful Convictions Research Paper

Words: 1453
Pages: 6

intro How many people in prison do you think are innocent? The answer is about 5%. That’s around two innocent people a day. Due to this, a nonprofit was created called The Innocence Project. An organization dedicated to keeping innocent people out of jail. The Innocence Project is really important for those innocent people who are still in jail. Even if they reach out, there is no saying how long it might take before they can be released. Even though many people believe the justice system is just, there is no doubt that many innocent people are put in prison because of misidentification and memory contamination by eyewitnesses, false or coerced confessions, and flawed forensic evidence.

1. An innocent person might be convicted of misidentification. Mistaken identification occurs when a witness or someone in the justice system mistakenly identifies someone as
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However, wrongful conviction is very bad. Wrongful convictions show the challenges law enforcement and prosecutors face in gathering evidence and building cases, suggesting that occasional errors happen in such a complex process. Innocent people being convicted is an injustice that goes against the foundation of the justice system. It causes people to lose trust in the justice system. This issue causes people to lose trust in the justice system. Wrongful convictions not only undermine the integrity of the justice system, but also put people and their families in danger. From the emotional toll, the loss of years or even decades of freedom that an innocent person can lose. Each wrongful conviction is a failure to hold the true criminal accountable, potentially allowing them to continue committing crimes. Addressing the main causes of these convictions involves continual efforts to try to improve or prevent misidentification, forcing/false confessions, as well as flawed forensics. Improving and preventing these things can help in the future to fully reduce the number of innocent people that go to