Youth Suicide Strategies

Words: 608
Pages: 3

We've all gone through losing someone we love but it's worse when they do it themselves.The amount of suicides have been raising in recent years. As someone who suffers from depression and has had suicidal ideation and tried to commit. We need to figure out why suicide rates are going up. Even though it could be bullying since the highest rate is people in high school it could also be stress from school and work. There are many reasons why people commit suicide.mIn the 2012 national strategy for suicide prevention, goals and objectives for action they say..."There is no single path that will lead to suicide." (DHHS/PHS)It is no ones fault. It is that individuals choice. Just because it was their choice doesn't mean you could have saved them. In most cases once they've decided there is no stopping them. The best we can do is try.

Teenagers believe that suicide will fix everything going wrong in their lives. An assessment of selected educators' understandings of adolescent suicide says that... "Teenagers who have attempted suicide have reported that they did not understand the reality of death." (Peach& Reddick) Teens think that suicide is a quick fix for all their problems. It is no secret that most teens blow everything out of proportion. They believe that a small
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The study Youth suicide preventions: support for survivors and recommendations for school personnel says that..."Youth age fourteen to eighteen may isolate and hide the information from peers out of fear of being misunderstood and rejected." (Talbott&Bartlett) We need to pay attention to all teens but especially teens that show signs of being depressed. If they spent plenty of time alone and speak about death and or have the tools needed to commit suicide we need to watch them. They need to know they aren't alone, that we care. We also need to teach kids not to judge peers that are depressed and or suicidal. All teens need to know why they feel that