Leslie Holden
Rough Draft
Water-borne Diseases While Africa is known for its Sahara desert, there’s also a lot more to this country than we realize. There are several places in Africa that do not have access to water for their basic needs. Places such as Sudan, Ghana, and Darfur are all suffering without clean water. For this very reason female girls are required to walk miles a day to supply water instead of going to school. While the boys in the family go to war with the people causing harm to their villages. These kids are no older than ten year old. It takes them hours to even find a pond or lake with water. And days to recover from wounds received in the battles. This is extremely dangerous, considering the water that they are consuming is unclean water. This water contains pesticides and other contaminated chemicals that are presumed in the water. Although this water is unhealthy and unsanitary, that’s all they have. Water is the main source for our basic needs. We need water to drink, bathe, eat, clean, and everything else that might contribute to water. With their water being unclean this makes them more prone to diseases. In Africa, a hospital isn’t as accessible as the hospitals here in the states. People there don’t even have access to clear water, how could their hospital even be sterilized? According to the CDC, “contaminated water is a serious problem that can cause severe pain, disability and even death. Common global